Qualifications Of Eldership

Today’s Reading, Titus 1-3 & Philemon 1

Focal Scripture: 1:6-9 “An elder must be blameless, the husband of one wife, with faithful children who are not accused of wildness or rebellion. As an overseer of God’s household, he must be blameless, not arrogant, not hot-tempered, not an excessive drinker, not a bully, not greedy for money, but hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, righteous, holy, self-controlled, holding to the faithful message as taught, so that he will be able both to encourage with sound teaching and to refute those who contradict it.”

Leadership is serious business. We all can share stories of great leaders and bad leaders we have had. The Bible has shared many stories about good and bad leaders. If you look closely what separates a good leader from a bad leader is not skill. It is their character. Who they are as a person and how they treat others matters more than what they can do. Yes, skill will get them to a certain point but it will not be able to sustain them.

In today’s reading Paul is writing to his son in the faith, Titus. He explains what good leadership is for an elder/pastor. A good leader loves his wife, children are not considered wild or rebellious. Can’t be arrogant or hot tempered. Also can’t be a bully, drunk, or money focused. He must be self controlled, sensible, righteous, and hold to the message that has been taught. A leader in God’s church has high expectations. It is not based on skill it is based on a changed heart.

So what is the application today for us as believers. It is to take serious the call of God on a persons life and the qualifications that the Bible has given for the position of elder. In my opinion we place people in positions who do not have the character to be in those positions. Or we do not remove people who have clearly violated these expectations. When this happens the church suffers greatly. People see the disconnect and wonder how a leader can behave contrary to scripture.

The solution is to make sure leaders are meeting biblical qualifications. Most men that I have met in the ministry have demonstrated these characteristics. Were they perfect people, absolutely not. However, there consistent character was one that demonstrated biblical qualifications. I have also been around “elders/pastors” who have violated these standards. Instead of action being taken excuses were made and scripture was twisted to keep them in a position of power.

The purpose of today is for people to hold elders/pastors to a higher standard. A standard that makes much of Jesus. The only way this will take place is to make sure leaders in churches only select elders who are qualified and remove those who demonstrate corrupt character traits.

Let us only choose men who are qualified because it matters more than you know.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Hebrews 1-6

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