Not All Prophets Are Godly Prophets

Today’s Reading, Deuteronomy 17-20

Focal Scripture: Deuteronomy 18:20 “But the prophet who presumes to speak a message in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods — that prophet must die.’”

Listening to people speak daily is very interesting. There are people who speak with authority but are not truthful. Then there are people who speak softly but speak truth. I have learned it is more important about the content of what is being said than how it is being said. For instance I can think of a popular preacher right now who may be one of the best communicators in the world. However, his content is shallow and heretical. Unfortunately, many people follow him and take him at his word.

In today’s reading God is giving instructions on who to listen to and who truly speaks on his behalf. A person who speaks his own words is not a true prophet. A person who speaks on behalf of another god is not a true prophet. No matter how nice or eloquent their speech might be to those who listen. These people must be put to death according to God. Their false teaching can’t be tolerated.

The application today is very serious. In to many churches and ministries people are claiming to speak on behalf of God but are actually speaking their own words. To many preachers are story tellers and not proclaimers of the Bible. They want to be thought of as a popular preacher instead of a faithful preacher. They want to build their reputation and crowd. These people are false prophets.

We are not going to kill them as was done here. However, we should keep them from being pastors and leaders in our churches. How do you recognize a false prophet today? They speak about themselves more than scripture. God is not the focus of their message, instead its sports or personal application. False prophets get an easy pass today. They are often heralded as great leaders.

False prophets are also revealed in how one acts and behaves. A prophet who acts one way at home or work and has another personality in the pulpit is a fake. They are deceivers not just in word but also in action. The church must do a better job of rooting out these types of people. Their witness and testimony causes many to turn away from the faith.

We need to be bold about the damage false prophets face to our churches and society. We need mighty men of God, not might men.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Deuteronomy 21-23

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