Fight The Good Fight

Today’s Reading, 1 Timothy 1-6

Focal Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:12 “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of eternal life to which you were called and about which you have made a good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

We forget sometimes that our walk is a walk of faith but also one that requires a fight. To pursue godliness a person must be willing to get rid of evil desires Then continue down the road of sanctification and keep our eyes focused on Jesus. This fight of the faith is needed because dying to yourself can be difficult. Our flesh is persistent. Thankfully he who is in us in me is greater than the one who is in the world.

In the reading today Paul is speaking to Timothy, his son in the Faith. As a young preacher he has lots to learn. Paul is giving godly advice and wisdom to encourage this young man. He wants him to fight the good fight of faith. He wants him to grab hold of eternal life as a reminder of his allegiance to Christ. Paul is reminding him that his faith journey is worth fighting for passionately. Timothy must be in tune with putting behind his flesh by the power of the Holy Spirit.

For us today our challenge is to not be passive believers. We fight for so many things in life but do we fight for the most important. Our faith should mean much to us where we fight to be more holy. We should fight to know the Lord more intimately. We should fight to have a faith that moves mountains. We have a reward and it’s Jesus. We also have power in the Holy Spirit.

So what do you need to fight for today? Do you have a sin that is getting you down? Fight for your faith and allow the spirit to work! Do you need to know Jesus deeper. Fight to have a deeper knowledge of your savior. As Paul encouraged Timothy let me encourage you today. Fight! Press on and build your faith. Press on and know Jesus so passionately is encourages others.

Fight the good fight of faith. It is worth it in our lives. We need men and women of God who take their faith serious. How serious do you take your faith?

Tomorrow, I plan on reading 2 Timothy 1-4

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