The Creator

Today’s Reading, Colossians 1-4

Focal Scripture: Colossians 1:16 “For everything was created by him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through him and for him.”

Knowing the rules matter. We all have experienced a time when we have played a game and got frustrated because someone had a different set of rules than we expected. If you play uno you understand. Some people believe you draw cards until you find a match. Others believe you draw only two. This change in rules Al can be frustrating if you’re not expecting it during the game.

In today’s reading we find out who set the rules for the universe. Jesus is the creator of all things. He created everything and it was even created for him. This thought should put things in perspective for us when we talk about Jesus. To often we limit Jesus to a birth, a death, or even part of his second coming. When we understand that Jesus has set the stage and set the expectations it should drive us to a more complete worship.

So do you think about Jesus as creator? Do you understand that everything in the world was thought about in detail by him? This even includes us. When we understand the rule that Christ is in charge it takes the pressure out of our lives. We get to follow the creators rules instead of the created trying to make the rules.

You may be thinking “Why does he keep bringing up rules?” Because we need to know who sets the stage and who set the expectations. Our position intones the one who designed everything and follow his path. Unfortunately, to many of us try to put ourselves in charge.

I encourage you today to trust the creator with your daily life. Trust him to set you up to go down the right path. God is in control. Jesus is the creator. Our worship and lifestyle should follow suit.

Tomorrow I plan on reading 1 Thessalonians 1-5

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