Turning Away From The Gospel

Today’s Reading, Galatians 1-3

Focal Scripture: Galatians 1:6 “I am amazed that you are so quickly turning away from him who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel — ”

Many things in life can catch our attention. At times they can be positive and others they can be negative. The real issue happens when what catches our attention is untrue. Specifically, when it rejects the true gospel. In our society many people are rejecting the true gospel for a fake one. The reason being? They want a gospel that is about them and their needs and not about Christ.

This the point of what Paul is writing about in this scripture. He is asking the church why they are turning away from the truth and grace offered in Christ. They are rejecting the best truth for a fake truth. Even though the gospel doesn’t require anything from us except faith, that often leads to the issue of rejecting it. Paul is bringing this up to challenge the church to think through what they believe about Jesus and the gospel.

So what gospel do you believe? I ask this question because I have had enough conversations with people to know that they think they understand the biblical gospel but they don’t. The biblical gospel makes Jesus the priority. He is the hero and the one who does the saving. He is the one who is worthy and all praise goes to him. We are just beneficiaries of putting our faith in Christ.

A false gospel is when people make themselves the hero of the story. Or they believe the gospel exists to give them things or their desires. In today’s church culture in America people have made the gospel everything other than Jesus. Many churches teach a false Jesus and give false hope of salvation.

Repentance of sin and trusting Jesus are not the priority. In these churches. Man made wants and desires are the focus. So the people are convinced they are changed but have to believe a false truth, a false gospel.

So where do you stand? Do you believe the true gospel? If Jesus is not the focus of the gospel in your setting, you are not hearing or believing the gospel. You have turned away.

I challenge you today to find out what you have beloved in and settle this important question immediately.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Galatians 4-6

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