Trust the Lord

Today’s Reading, Acts 21-23

Focal Scripture: Acts 23:11 “The following night, the Lord stood by him and said, “Have courage! For as you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so it is necessary for you to testify in Rome.”

Have you ever wondered if you would make it out of a situation? Maybe when you were younger you made a very dumb teenage decision. You were convinced that when your parents got you that your future was in question. Or maybe you have been involved in a very intense situation and you wondered if you were going to make it through. In these situations if you knew nothing was going to keep you from seeing tomorrow how would you have responded?

In today’s reading this is where we find Paul. He spoke in front of the Sanhedrin and people were concerned that he was going to get killed. It is probable that Paul was preparing mentally to die. However, in the midst of the chaos Jesus comes to him in a vision. He lets him know that he will make it to Rome. Paul knew that death was not an option for him until he made it to Rome. That had to give a major confidence boost in a difficult situation.

For believers today this fact should encourage us greatly. Paul demonstrates absolute trust in Gods word. This means we should have absolute trust in Gods word. If he said it will happen it will take place. His word is a guarantee. His promises will be fulfilled.

To make this practice Jesus promised that if we remain in him he would remain in us. He promised the Holy Spirit to seal us and give us power. Since we know his word is faithful and he won’t break his promise. How do we live and speak in light of that truth?

I challenge you to trust the Lord and his word. I challenge you Connor don’t the written and spoken word of God. Let us walk around with confidence and claim his promises in our daily life. Even publicly we should do this. Why? Because others need to see our belief. We need to demonstrate faith for those who are struggling.

Let’s trust the Lord and his promises.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Acts 24-26

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