Believe the Message

Today’s Reading, Luke 1

Focal Scripture: Luke 1: 20 “Now listen. You will become silent and unable to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their proper time.”

Have you ever been told something that you found difficult to believe? You may have known it was coming from a credible source but the information seemed impossible. The wording not probable. In shock over the content of the message. Then you say “No way that is true, that can’t happen.” If so you are in good company.

This is where our reading has us today. Zechariah the priest is serving in the temple. He gets a visit from the angel Gabriel and gets told he is going to be a dad. This child would be special and used greatly. Instead of believing a message from a credible source he questions what is said. Think about this for a moment. He doesn’t have a difficult time having a conversation with an angel. However, he won’t believe the message the angel gives.

We are often the same way when it comes to situations in our lives. We hear a message from a credible source but we will doubt it because of our unbelief. This is especially true when it comes to biblical commands and confrontations from scripture. We doubt the message and consequences ensue. Zechariah was unable to speak for 9 months. Those are pretty severe consequences. In our life we may miss out on God’s blessings because we doubt his message.

So what message might we doubt? It would be the words from the Bible. Sometimes we can get to cute in how we apply scripture. One of my favorite pastors says this all the time “The main things are the plain things, and the plain things are the main things.”

This means we need to apply scripture correctly and believe the message we have heard. Delaying because of not believing the message is a problem we all face. However, we can fix it by trusting what the Lord says.

You may struggle with many truths in life but one we should never struggle with is the message from the Lord.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Luke 2-3

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