Patiently Waiting To Travel

Today’s Reading, Joshua 1-4

Focal Scripture: Joshua 3:4 “But keep a distance of about a thousand yards between yourselves and the ark. Don’t go near it, so that you can see the way to go, for you haven’t traveled this way before.””

Most people struggle with waiting. Everything must get done now and in a hurry. This applies to young people and adults in our lives. When things are not fast people lose patience in the situation. People begin to murmur and complain. They even begin to make poor decisions to get what they want faster. However, that is not a wise choice. Getting what we want is not always what we need.

In today’s reading we see clear instructions that go against what is expected by normal human reasoning. God wants the Israelites to stand back and watch before they walk. He wants them to allow the Lord to move first before they move anywhere. God wants them to watch and follow. The reasoning: because they have not gone that way before. They needed a guide to walk them through this new journey. They had to be patient to travel.

The lesson here for believers is to humble themselves and follow the Lord. To many times I watch believers, in their eagerness, make decisions based on emotion and not based upon God. This often leads to struggles and it even leads to pain. When we get ahead of God we make our timeline more important.

So what is the solution? We need to take a step back and make sure that we are being lead by God. We need to seek his steps and his wisdom. Where are you feeling lead to go right now? It doesn’t have to be a big decisions but it does need to be a God lead decision.

When we as believers get ahead of God on our travels we cause ourselves much pain. However, when we are patient and wait for God to lead us we learn how to travel difficult roads. Our walk must be one of patience. It must be one where we admit we need help.

Our challenge is to listen and watch God. Not make rash decisions. We need to pursue Gods heart for our lives. When believers are more patient we demonstrate a heart that is changed. We demonstrate a focus on our creator. We know that traveling well is having a guide. The question is do we watch and listen to our guide.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Joshua 5-8

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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