Persecution Will Come

Today’s Reading, Mark 12-13

Focal Scripture: Mark 13:9 “But you, be on your guard! They will hand you over to local courts, and you will be flogged in the synagogues. You will stand before governors and kings because of me, as a witness to them.”

If you knew something bad was going to happen on a journey would you still go? The journey will be filled with events you have never seen. You will witness lives changed. You will be part of the greatest event ever to happen. However, to be part of all of that you know you will suffer. You know that pain is in your future.

This is where our reading takes us today. Jesus is speaking to his disciples and tells them because of what they believe they will be handed over to the courts. They will be beaten in the church building and witness to the most powerful. Jesus is giving perspective that following after him is difficult and comes with a cost. On one hand that is bad news. On another it puts having a saving faith in perspective.

So what is the application for believers today? We need to expect good things from following the Lord. However, while we follow we will suffer because of his name. In that suffering we will be able to be a witness. We will be able to witness to friends, family and even the powerful. Our persecutions are predictable and plentiful.

The good news is that these persecutions are a good thing to happen. Yes, I said good. This means we are living a lifestyle that is so in touch with Jesus that we are being persecuted for a strong faith. Rejoice today that you experience persecution. It means you are on the right path.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Mark 14

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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