Priestly Duties Are a Treasure From the Lord

Today’s Reading Numbers 1-2

Focal Scripture: Numbers 1:50 “Appoint the Levites over the tabernacles of the testimony, all its furnishings, and everything in it. They are to transport the tabernacle and all its articles, take care of it, and camp around it.”

Moses is gathering the people and counting them. Each tribe has a representative and the men who are able to be at war have been counted. The nation of Israel is growing and it is growing fast. However, even in the middle of this census God is continually reminding the priests how important their job is when it comes to the temple.

The Levites who will serve as the priests have been tasked with taking care of the tabernacle and everything inside of it. They are even to transport the tabernacle everyone they travel. They must have a continual place to worship.

The application of this passage today shows that priestly duties are difficult but needed. Even though today we don’t have priests the way they did in the Old Testament it shows a pattern of what should be expected today.

That means pastors today should care about the environment in which people come to worship. It doesn’t just mean the physical items that can be seen. It also means the culture and the attitude that is brought before the congregation.

Attitudes that are pleasing to the Lord are important. As the pastors attitude goes so does the church. The church will take on the pastors attitude whether that is positive or negative.

The priests in the Old Testament took the tabernacle and everything that went with it seriously. They knew a right heart was needed to lead worship.

I challenge you if your pastor to examine your heart and your motives as you lead worship. Church members I challenge you to pray for your pastor where needed but also correct where it is demanded.

After all they have been commissioned with making sure the holy place is a place that true worship can happen. They are taking care of the meeting place.

Tomorrow I plan to read Numbers 3-4

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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