Today’s Reading, Mark 15-16
Focal Scripture: Mark 15:5 “But Jesus still did not answer, and so Pilate was amazed.”
Knowing when to speak and when not to speak is an art. I have witnessed a few occasions where silence was more deafening than words. In these instances the composure that the person had and the control over the situation spoke more powerfully than a defense. Or even an explanation of the situation. A person so confident in their position and character you had to take notice.
In today’s verse we see this happen. Jesus is before Pilate and he is being accused of many things. Instead of a response Jesus stands powerfully and quietly. He stands with a purpose. He stands and doesn’t defend himself.
What lesson can we learn from this behavior? You don’t have to explain yourself or defend your reasonings to people. In some cases it is required to do that. However, in some cases the best defense you can have is silence in the midst of struggle.
Why is this such a powerful event to happen? it is powerful because it requires humility and trust. Think about what is happening in this situation. Jesus could have given a perfect answer. He could have swayed public opinion. He even could have demonstrated power. Instead he chose to trust God and allow his plan to take place.
My challenge for you is to know when to speak and when to stay quiet. Trusting that God will take care of your situations. No matter where it leads. Silence can be a testimony that sets the stage for a greater purpose. Silence can be powerful.
Tomorrow I plan on reading Luke 1 at