Sometimes You Will End Up In Places That Are Difficult

Today’s Reading Genesis 35 – 37

Focal Scripture: Genesis 37:24 “Then they took him and threw him into the pit. The pit was empty, without water.”

This is one of the saddest accounts in all of scripture. Here we have Joseph a young man that is about to be betrayed by those who are closest to him, his own brothers. When he left home at the request of his father I am sure he was expecting a different welcome than what he received. On one hand Joseph was treated differently than the rest of his brothers. His father favored him and made it obvious for all to see. I am sure that created resentment and frustration amongst them. Then Joseph was given a dream and excitedly went and told his family. Everyone was annoyed at the the meaning of the dream. That his family would bow down to him.

I am sure that thought crossed the brothers minds when they planned on killing him. “How can we bow down to him if he is dead.” Thankfully, one brother came up with a plan to sell him instead and this is where our focal scripture leads us today.

Joseph is hearing all of these conversations from his family. First, they want to kill him. Then they decide to sell him. While they waited to sell him they threw him into an empty pit. I am trying to imagine all of the emotions that Joseph felt at this moment. His heart had to be broken. He had to have many questions and felt completely alone. He ended up in a place he was not expecting and put there by people he thought he could trust.

What we can learn from this story is that bad things can happen to anyone. Sometimes these bad experiences are not your fault. Then the bad that happens to us can even come from people we love. It is difficult to have faith in times like this. However, I encourage you to have an attitude like Joseph. Scripture never says that Joseph asked to be released. It never tells us that he pleaded for his life. We do not even have an account of him complaining to his brothers over his location.

Joseph was steadfast. He was under control even in a horrible situation. This is a challenge for all of us, today. When things go sideways in our lives we do not need to complain, whine, and lament our situation. We need to know that wherever we are and whatever we are experiencing is right where God needs and wants us at that moment.

So wherever you find yourself today I encourage you to trust. You are not there by accident. It may be unpleasant. You may be shocked. It even may seem impossible for any good, but trust God.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Genesis 38-40

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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