The Glory of the Lord

Today’s Reading, Ezekiel 5-8

Focal Scripture: Ezekiel 8:2 “I looked, and there was someone who looked like a man. From what seemed to be his waist down was fire, and from his waist up was something that looked bright, like the gleam of amber.”

Seeing something that grabs your attention can be both amazing and terrifying at the same time. At first, you may ask yourself questions that go from “Is this real?” To “I think I am seeing something pretty amazing, I need to pay attention to this.” Sometimes in the moment we don’t realize the magnitude significance of what we are witnessing. I have had that experience a few times and I can tell you I didn’t appreciate the initial moment as much as I should have.

Here in the reading today Ezekiel has his second vision of the Lord. In both instances he got a peek at the glory of the Lord. It always amazes me how people in the Bible try to explain what they see about the Lord. They do their absolute best but I am sure human words do not do it justice. Ezekiel is being encouraged by the power and majesty of the Lord. This sneak peek will help him get through his calling. He will be able to refer back to these moments.

So what does this have to do with believers today? We need to know that God is holy. He still reveals himself to us as well. It more than likely will not be from a vision but from the word of the Lord. His holiness and his attributes should push us and encourage us to live a lifestyle that is I accordance with scripture. Just like Ezekiel was encouraged for his task to be the priest during difficult times, so we should be encouraged by knowing and seeking God intimately in our daily walk.

How does this happen in the life of the believer? It happens by knowing the Bible better than any other book. It comes from times of deep prayer. Sacrifices must be made to be successful in the journey we are on daily. If Ezekiel the priest needed encouragement for his assignment, how much more do we need encouragement. Seeking to see God is a practice that will pay dividends in the future.

I encourage you to seek the glory of God. If you make it a priority God will reveal himself to you in mighty ways.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Ezekiel 9-12

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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