The Lord Is The One In Charge

Today’s Reading, Joshua 5-8

Focal Scripture: Joshua 5:14 “Neither,” he replied. “I have now come as commander of the Lord’s army.” Then Joshua bowed with his face to the ground in homage and asked him, “What does my Lord want to say to his servant?”

Who do you believe should be in charge of your life? Who do you believe should be in charge at church? Far too often to many men believe they should be the final authority themselves. They believe that their decisions are best and that their intellect can get them out of anything. This thinking also believes that they are always right in every situation.

In our reading today Joshua finds out who is in charge on the Israelites. It is not him and the one who is in charge has complete authority. This person who is in charge is neither for the Israelites or against them. He is for God and his glory. He is so worthy to be in charge that Joshua bows to worship him. Joshua even asks what he needs to do to serve the one who is in charge.

If you haven’t put it together yet this stranger is the Lord himself. He is letting Joshua know that even though he has been commissioned by Moses to lead, God is still on the throne. Joshua needed to be humbled. He needed to be shown that his ways are not the best ways. Joshua is not the ultimate authority.

The challenge for us as believers is to acknowledge that we are not the authority in our lives. That we do not have all the answers. We worship the God of the universe and he demands our allegiance and our worship. When we put ourselves in charge and in authority it creates many problems.

We can look at churches who have pastors that believe they are the final say in the life of staff, church members and visitors. They believe God has put them in charge instead of knowing that they are to serve the people. Biblical leaders know their place. That place is at the feet of Jesus.

Where do you find yourself? Do you submit to Jesus leadership or are you the final say? It reveals much about your heart.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Joshua 9-11

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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