Unfaithful And Ungodly Imitators

Today’s Reading 2 Chronicles 35-36

Focal Scripture: 2 Chronicles 36:14 “All the leaders of the priests and the people multiplied their unfaithful deeds, imitating all the detestable practices of the nations, and they defiled the Lord’s temple that he had consecrated in Jerusalem.”

The nation of Israel is constantly being lead by people who want nothing to do with their God. They will take three benefits that he gives but they will not obey his decrees. In doing so the nation keeps getting put into situations that will eventually lead to destruction and slavery.

In these verses today it can be seen that the people kept doing unfaithful deeds. Not only that but they were acting like other nations. To demonstrate their sin they were defiling the Lord’s temple also. This was being done because they were choosing sin over faithfulness.

The implications for believers are massive in this reading. Far too many professing believers act the same way as the kings and leaders did on a daily basis. They have all the right answers. Even look the part but defile his temple and seek their own pleasure.

How do we know this to be true? Most professing believers have a very small understanding of the word of God. Believers are also defiling the church by their attitudes, actions and tolerance of sin. Excuses get made instead of sin being dealt with in a way the Lord commands.

My challenge to you today is to root out sin in your life. Don’t give it a foothold. Don’t be like everyone else. Just as the nation of Israel was called to be different. So are believers today. Sin happened in Israel and sin happens in the church. The solution is men and women of God stepping up and being mouthpieces for holiness and righteousness.

Our goal is to not be unfaithful and ungodly imitators of the world.

Tomorrow I Plan on Reading Ezra 1-3

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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