Today’s Reading, Jeremiah 23-25
Focal Scripture: Jeremiah 23:2 “Therefore, this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says about the shepherds who tend my people: You have scattered my flock, banished them, and have not attended to them. I am about to attend to you because of your evil acts” — this is the Lord’s declaration.”
Leadership has many positive attributes. You get to cast vision, set the tone, and even bring things to life that may have been desolate. Leadership also comes with a heavy responsibility. You are responsible for the well being of those you serve. Your words carry more weight than others. Your demeanor sets the tone for the culture. How you behave privately and publicly towards others matters to the Lord.
Here we see that God is telling Jeremiah that the leaders of Israel are going to face a very strict judgement. This goes from the kings to the priests. The men who are making decisions and looking after the people. These leaders are accused of scattering, banishing, and not attending to the flock. The consequences from God are mighty. He is going to deal with them in a mighty and serious way. God takes leadership serious.
The implications for believers are serious. We all lead in some way in our lives. How we lead is serious and important. As Christ followers the attitude in which we lead matters. The words we speak matter. Our demeanor matters. Are we gathering people or scattering people away from us in our leadership style? How we approach others makes a good leader even better.
I have witnessed people who think they are good leaders try to lead. It always ends with bodies getting ran over. Sometimes these people have short success because good things happen for a season. However, eventually they are exposed for the poor leaders they really are in their position.
The challenge for us is to make sure we are leading like Christ and not like the world. To care for all people that are being lead not just the ones we like. Leadership in life and in the church matters and must be taken more seriously. Far too often excuses get made for bad leaders because people don’t want to go through the process of finding another one or admitting they picked the wrong one to begin with.
Don’t be evil in your leadership. Love the people and see what God can do if you lead biblically.
Tomorrow I plan on reading Jeremiah 26-29