What do People Notice About Your Life?

Today’s Reading, Acts 4-6

Focal Scripture: Acts 4:13 “When they observed the boldness of Peter and John and realized that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed and recognized that they had been with Jesus.”

We are all known for things in our life. These things can be positive or they can be negative. No matter what though when people think of us they are going off of what they notice. For instance I had one person complain that I was too theological. They didn’t like the educational tone of my teaching. In one sense I can understand that if I was teaching over people’s heads. However, I was explaining basic biblical doctrine. The persons goal was to complain about me. I however, took it as a compliment and made sure I was teaching clearly and challengingly.

In today’s reading we see that the religious leaders noticed the boldness of Peter and John. They even realized they were uneducated and not trained. However, the biggest truth they noticed is that these men had been with Jesus. Their life was different. Think about what that must have looked like. Peter and John were such bold witnesses that the immediate implication was that Jesus changed their life.

So what do people notice about you? I hope and pray they notice that you are spending time with Jesus. Nothing else really matters. Not how much money you have. Not how successful you are in life. Not even what you accomplish. Do people notice that you spend time with the King of the Universe?

If they don’t I challenge you to fix that perception. How can you make sure people know you are spending time with Jesus? It will be an overflow of your relationship and your time. Spend time in his word. Spend time in prayer. Spend time in quiet reflection. Listen to the heart of God.

If you do these things everything about you will change. People will notice. Your testimony will be evident. You won’t have to announce anything is different about you. People will see that you are spending time with God.

The greatest testimony you can give is a life devoted to Christ. He will change you and it will be apparent to all around you.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Acts 7-8

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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