Hearts In Tune With The Lord

Today’s Reading, Exodus 36-38

Focal Scripture: Exodus 36:2 “So Moses summoned Bezalel, Oholiab, and every skilled person in whose heart the Lord had placed wisdom, all whose hearts moved them, to come to the work and do it.”

What has been placed in your heart? Is it a burden to accomplish a certain task? Maybe you have a desire to do something to serve the Lord? If it is something that honors God and brings glory to his name then you should ask yourself some deep questions. Because maybe God has given you wisdom and a burden to accomplish a goal for the kingdom.

In today’s reading we see that take place. The men who have been tasked with making the tent of meeting and its items were given wisdom from God. God didn’t place this wisdom in their heads. He placed it in a place that moved them to action. Their desire was to see the task completed. They were obedient to the Lord’s direction.

So what has the Lord placed on your heart today? Has he given you wisdom and a desire to do something that seems difficult or impossible? My challenge to you and even myself is to not ignore the prompting of the Holy Spirit in your life. The Bible is clear that we all have gifts. That we all have talents that can make much of Jesus.

Our challenge is to follow through with the burden God has given us, even when the task seems impossible. I am sure these men had doubts and reservations. They were probably concerned that they would make mistakes. However, that did not stop them from being obedient to what they were called to do for the Lord.

If God has given you wisdom and a desire to accomplish something for him, step out in faith and watch God accomplish the task. We need to trust the Lord more than we trust ourselves.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Exodus 39-40

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