Show Me Your Glory

Today’s Reading, Exodus 33-35

Focal Scripture: Exodus 33:18 “Then Moses said, “Please, let me see your glory.”

Have you ever been desperate for something? Desperate enough that you would be willing to do anything to get what you wanted? I have been like that in my personal life. It is a unique place to be when you are in that situation. I look back and think now that what I was desperate for was not that big of a deal. However, in that moment I was desperate to get it no matter what.

In today’s reading Moses was about to lead the people. They are a stiff necked group. They don’t like to listen or surrender to God. Moses needed more from God to complete the task at hand. In a bold statement he asks to see Gods glory. He was desperate for all of God not just part of God. He understood that his success was not dependent on his work but on who God is in his life.

How desperate are you for the glory of God? Far too often we walk the Christian walk on our own. We use our skills and gifts to get us through the day. However, rarely do we become desperate to see God on a personal level. What would our lives look like if God was our desire above everything else. This should be the rule not the exception.

My challenge for you today is to become desperate for God. Desire to see his glory above everything else in your life. I know I am personally trying to seek God more. I want to know him on a deeper level. A level that makes less of me and much of him. I believe we miss the goal of the Christian life when we are not desperate for him. Our goal should be to know Jesus deeper.

I want to see Gods glory. I want to be known as a person who walks with him and loves him. I want that attitude to be in every part of my life. What about you?

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Exodus 36-38

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