Preparation To Serve The Lord

Today’s Reading, Exodus 28-29

Focal Scripture: Exodus 29:10 ““You are to bring the bull to the front of the tent of meeting, and Aaron and his sons must lay their hands on the bull’s head.”

When you are about to start something new you prepare yourself for what is to come. It might require study or even going off to get trained. Sometimes you may have to prepare physically because the job will demand so much from you to make sure it is done right. Then there are jobs that require spiritual preparation. Preparation is key to success.

In today’s reading we get a glimpse of the preparation that the priest had to go through to serve the Lord. They are required to put their hands on the bulls head. This instruction is repeated several times. It is significant because this act symbolizes the passing of their sin to the animal. Then this animal is slaughtered and burned on the altar. The priests had to be made right. He had to prepare to meet God’s high standard.

We are all called to serve the Lord. However, some of us are called to serve the Lord as a vocation. Our jobs require that our hearts, minds, souls and life are completely consecrated to God. It requires that our sins are forgiven. This means that we have to acknowledge our sin and understand that to serve faithfully we must humble ourselves in front of the Lord.

The challenge for people today is that sin and preparation are not talked about very often for ministers. Too often sin is not addressed and no repentance is expected. Then these men lead people who have not dealt with serious issues in their lives. Make no doubt the church is only as healthy as its leadership. If the leaders can’t deal with their sin the people won’t either.

Aaron and the priest would have to humble themselves daily. Acknowledge their sin and then understand that this sin requires death. We know that people can get caught up into rituals and lose the meaning of events. However, when you have a heart that wants to please God you will do whatever he asks to be prepared to serve him.

The application of this applies to everyone minister or not. Our sin is serious. It requires death. We can’t lose focus on God’s standards. We must prepare ourselves to walk with him. We must prepare ourselves to serve the Lord.

How have you been preparing yourself today? It matters more than you know. Don’t go through the motions but humble your heart and realize your need for forgiveness.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Exodus 30-32

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