The Atonement Cover

Today’s Reading, Exodus 25-27

Focal Scripture: Exodus 25:22 “I will meet with you there above the mercy seat, between the two cherubim that are over the ark of the testimony; I will speak with you from there about all that I command you regarding the Israelites.”

Being at odds with someone takes its tole on you as a person. When a relationship is strained it causes stress and heartache. You think about what went wrong and how it can be fixed. Sometimes you even question the purpose behind meeting that person in the first place. However, when reconciliation happens it brings back sweet fellowship. You are no longer strangers or enemies and that brings hope. Relationships restored are a great testimony.

What is it a great testimony to though? The answer: is how God has reconciled us to himself. He made us who are his enemies become part of his covenant family. This is where our focal verse takes us today. God tells Moses to make a mercy seat (atonement cover). This seat will be over the ark and God would bring his glory down to speak to Moses. This is not just a random piece of furniture in the Bible. It serves as a powerful reminder. A reminder that God is the one who seeks out people and gives an opportunity to restore fellowship.

Stay with me for a moment and breathe deep the meaning behind this. The Israelites a sinful people, who continually disobey God and question him almost daily. Will be tasked with making the item that will restore broken fellowship. On this cover blood will be sprinkled. Above this cover God’s glory will dwell. God is the one who shows up to restore broken people.

It can be easy to lose the power and significance behind items in the Bible. This ark was intentionally made to remind the people that sin requires death. It also reminded the people that God is the one who works in the lives of the people. He restores the covenantal relationship.

The challenge for people today is to acknowledge we need to fix our relationship with God. If you are not a believer it is time to submit to Christ. Realize he wants to make things whole. He desires to see you changed. No sin is too big to forgive. Come to him today with open arms and watch what he does.

If you are a believer he wants you to surrender to him. This same atonement cover that helps the unbeliever also helps you every day. Bring him your unbelief and your failures. Restore the relationship that has been hurt. You know longer have to be at odds with God.

Just like he provided reconciliation to the Israelites he also gives us reconciliation. The question is will we run to God presence or run away from it when given the chance.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Exodus 28-29

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