When Being Obedient Becomes to Much to Bear

Today’s Reading Exodus 4-6

Focal Scripture Exodus 4:13: Moses said, “Please, Lord, send someone else.”

Being called by God to do something is an amazing event to experience. You are excited that you are clearly hearing from God. You know what you are expected to do for his glory. You may even have a plan to accomplish that goal. Then reality sets in when you have a moment to stop and think. You realize just how broken of a person you are and that God has picked the wrong person. You even begin to make excuses about why you are not the right choice.

This is where we find our reading today. Moses has been called by God to go to Pharaoh and let him know it was time for the Israelites to be set free to worship. God promised Moses that he would be with him and even demonstrated the power that he would place on him for the task at hand.

However, Moses began to make excuses. He was looking for any excuse to get out of his calling. He wanted to be obedient but it was just to much to bear and it was crushing him. So he asks the Lord, send someone else.

When God gives you a mission to complete we have to know that God will prepare us and give us the ability to accomplish the task. Unfortunately, our minds can get in the way. We remember the sins we have committed. Our thoughts focus on all of our failures and mistakes. We get beat down and want to run from the calling on our life.

If this is where you find yourself today I want to give you hope that God uses us despite of our sin and mistakes. He makes our weakness into a strength. Whatever God has called you to do today, don’t run from it or ask someone else to take your place. Trust God in all that you do for him in your life.

I know it can be difficult. Especially when you have concern for your family. Or when you are being mistreated and all that you are doing is being faithful to what God has asked of you day to day. When you are treated differently by those who are supposed to be the example and they try to force you out because you do not fit the mold they want. Don’t run. Don’t ask for someone else. Be faithful where you are and trust God. God has you. Just as he prepared Moses for his task, he has prepared you for yours.

Tomorrow’s Reading Exodus 7-9

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