Knowing When To Make A Journey

Today’s Reading, Exodus 39-40

Focal Scripture: Exodus 40:36 “The Israelites set out whenever the cloud was taken up from the tabernacle throughout all the stages of their journey.”

When you need to take a journey what do you look for in your life to make sure it is time to move? When you go on vacation, you probably check the weather and the traffic routes. You determine what time is best to leave and which route has the least amount of congestion or road work. You carefully map it out for speed and for safety. Then we have journeys in life and those need the same type of focus when making decisions. Unfortunately, many people react more than they think through their next steps.

In today’s reading the nation of Israel shows one thing they continually got right in their travels. They only journeyed when they knew God wanted them to take a step. When God’s glory stayed above the tent of meeting they didn’t go anywhere. When God’s glory was above the tabernacle they set out on the next stage. They were observant and patient. They didn’t make rash decisions. They had their eyes focused on God and not themselves.

We have so much to learn from the Israelites in this life style. I know in my life I have not waited on the Lord. Every time I have moved before he wanted me to I faced the consequences of disobedience. However, when I waited on the Lord he showed up and directed my path. Even when life was difficult and I had challenges, I knew I was in the right place because he lead me there.

I am not sure what you are waiting on today in your life. Whatever it is I encourage you to wait for God to move. Stay where you are until God makes it clear. But be warned don’t get comfortable while you wait. The children of Israel were constantly looking at the tent of meeting. They were in anticipation of the next move. Always prepared to move immediately as soon as it was time.

The challenge for us is to be content while we wait but ready to move as quickly as we can when it is time. So if you are waiting on what to do next, prepare for the journey and be ready when the Lord gives his direction.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Leviticus 1-4

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