Offerings To The Lord

Today’s Reading, Genesis 8-11

Focal Scripture: Genesis 8:20 “Then Noah built an altar to the Lord. He took some of every kind of clean animal and every kind of clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar.”

How we respond to situations reveals much about our hearts. We can respond with thankfulness in a situation or we can respond with disgust and aggravation. Our reaction to the bad events in life and the good events in life are clearly demonstrating where our focus lies. It demonstrates what our hearts are experiencing in that moment. Ultimately, it demonstrates where our hearts are bent in worship.

In today’s reading Noah is finally off the ark. He has been there for a little over a year. That is a long time to be in a boat with your immediate family and a bunch of animals. His immediate response when he was free from this life raft was to make sacrifices to the Lord. He took time to build an altar before he built shelter. He sacrificed animals before cooking food. His heart was full of gratitude and worship to the one who delivered him and his family. Noah gave an offering to the Lord.

What is your default response when events happen in your life? Is it to take a break from people? Maybe watch your favorite show? It could be drink your favorite cup of coffee with friends. Whatever it is do you examine your initial response? I’m not saying these things are bad but what I am saying is our first response reveals our hearts desires and thinking.

Our challenge as believers is to make sure that God is worshipped in all things. When good happens we need to give God the glory. When bad happens, we need to give God the glory. How can we do this in our setting? We need to offer up to God our very lives and our hearts. Noah made sacrifices from animals. We can sacrifice our lives. We should have a heart of devotion to the God of the universe.

I hope today you will take time to examine and give all you have to God. He is not asking us to sacrifice animals anymore. He is asking us to give our lives on a daily basis. God wants the first fruits of our lives.

Let us make an offering to him today.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Genesis 12-15

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