The Lord Fights For Us

Today’s Reading, Deuteronomy 3-4

Focal Scripture: Deuteronomy 3:22 “Don’t be afraid of them, for the Lord your God fights for you.”

Having people in your corner makes all the difference. I have been blessed in my life to have a handful of people that I can trust completely. I can tell them anything and I know they will hold me accountable and love me. I also know that if I asked them to fight alongside me for any reason it would happen. That type of relationship is great to have in your life.

In today’s reading God is telling Joshua to not fear places he will enter. God is going to go in front of him and make sure his way is made clear. God did not promise no battles or struggles in his life. He promised to be with him and to fight for him on a daily basis. That is a great promise to have from the Lord.

That same truth that God will fight on our behalf is a lesson we need to learn today. God is always working. He is always moving. Even when life is difficult he fights battles for us we are unaware of daily. These battles that are fought help us grow our faith. The interesting part about this teaching is that our journeys are not a surprise. He knows the difficulties we will enter and he will fight for us because of his name.

Our challenge as believers is to continue on our walk even when the battles seem overwhelming. Fear often keeps us from pushing out of our comfort zone. However, living the Christian life requires a belief that God has gone before us and will continue to go before us daily. We must be reminded that life is difficult. Our journey is not a path, that is easy.

I am hoping that today you will be encouraged to know that the Lord goes before you in your journey. I can tell you from personal experience that when you are following the Lord he will be with you. He will fight battles for you that seem impossible. He will make a way even in the midst of enemy lines.

Our job is to follow and be obedient. Our promise is that the Lord will fight on our behalf.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Deuteronomy 5-7

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