God Will Provide When You Are Obedient To Him

Today’s Reading 1 Kings 15-17

Focal Scripture 1 Kings 17:9 “Get up, go to Zarephath that belongs to Sidon and stay there. Look, I have commanded a woman who is a widow to provide for you there.”

The kings of Israel and Judah were wicked except for King Asa. He was the only one who desired to serve the Lord and do what is right. All of the other leaders did evil and continually behaved worse than the kings before them.

It goes to show that just because you are in leadership doesn’t make you a good leader. Then we get to King Ahab and he was more evil than those before him. It is interesting that this is where Elijah’s story begins. In the middle of the worst king and in the middle of a drought.

Our reading leads us to a prophet who was obedient and his obedience lead to his survival and the survival of a widow and her son. God provided for Elijah even when he was dealing with evil leadership.

Oh believer in the Lord. You may be facing dire circumstances. You may be under the leadership or dealing with evil people around you. Be encouraged. God knows where you are and he knows what you need.

Just be obedient to his word and watch what happens. Surprises will come. You may become overwhelmed but trust God. Your needs will be meet and evil circumstances and/or people will be confronted. God may use you to change the ride and that will take obedience as well.

Trust the process and trust the Lord.

Tomorrow I plan on reading 1 Kings 18-20

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