Character Matters

Today’s Reading 1 Kings 1-2

Focal Scripture: 1 Kings 1:52 “Then Solomon said, “If he is a man of character, not a single hair of his will fall to the ground, but if evil is found in him, he dies.”

The story of David’s family demonstrates good character and bad character. Character is often overlooked by those who look up to leaders and pick leaders. Here we see one son trying to take the kingdom by force. Another son trying to take what was promised, all the while getting rid of opponents in their lives.

As a quick snapshot of the next two books it is full of people and leaders who have poor character. They are more concerned with their kingdom and rule than being a godly person.

The application for believers today is do not compromise your character. Especially if you will be in a position of leadership. One truth that I have seen play out time and again is that “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The more power one seeks and desires should serve as a warning sign to others. Good leaders lead from whom they are created to be not because of power. This is why character matters. Jesus had absolute power yet he did not wield it to harm others or get his way. He lead by example and showed his character to others.

I had the privilege of learning from one of the best leaders in my life. This person was unassuming, loved others and has high character. Watching him do life even when it would have been easy to compromise showed me that character matters more than success.

I challenge you today to ask yourself if you want to have power or do you want to have character?

Tomorrow I plan on reading 1 Kings 3-5

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