Turn From Idols

Today’s Reading, Ezekiel 13-15

Focal Scripture: Ezekiel 14:6 “Therefore, say to the house of Israel, ‘This is what the Lord God says: Repent and turn away from your idols; turn your faces away from all your detestable things.”

If we are being honest we all have idols in our lives. If it is not a current idol it is one we battle with regularly. Sometimes these idols can be positive. Our families, calling, and service can become idols. These things aren’t bad but if they take the core place in our hearts we are sinning against the Lord. Sometimes our idols are things that have no business in our lives.

This is where the reading has us today. False prophets and idolatrous leaders are involved with Israel. They are giving information that is not true to the nation and there are leaders who have idols in their lives. God is not the priority but their own desires and wants. God desires that they repent and turn from their idols. He wants heart change.

So what must be done as believers? We must search our hearts to make sure we are not worshipping idols. Do we have anything in our life that is taking priority over God? If we do a change must happen. We must repent and worship God alone. This gets difficult especially if it is a good thing in our life. Our children should be a priority but they can’t be the focus of our heart. Our hearts must be bent to God first then our children and spouses can come next.

What can be done if we have idols? We must admit our struggle. Then we must find out why it has become an idol. Remembering that not all things we care about are bad but the position we place them in our lives is the problem. God takes worship serious. All believers from the lowest to the highest must strive to have God first. This takes an active approach to worship.

Turn from your idols today. If God is not the only person on the throne of your heart, repent, and worship him.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Ezekiel 16-17

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