We Are All Slaves To Someone

Today’s Reading, Romans 5-7

Focal Scripture: Romans 6:16 “Don’t you know that if you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of that one you obey  — either of sin leading to death or of obedience leading to righteousness?”

Being confronted with truth is a very good thing. Truth helps you see things clearly. Especially if you listen to the truth you are told and apply to your life. However, some people when they hear truth reject it. Excuses are made or worse yet it is ignored entirely. This denial creates a path of destruction. The biblical truth we all know but do not apply is that we are all slaves. Either slaves to sin or slaves to God.

This is where our reading has us today. Paul is speaking to the church in Rome and he is explaining the power of sin and the power of God. The way people live before Christ and how they should live after Christ. When we examine ourselves are we slaves to sin or slaves to the Lord? We can check this truth out by examining fruit in our lives. Do we desire God more than sin? Or do we go after sin whole heartedly? Can you sin and have no conviction? Do you love God and his word?

So what are you a slave to today? Our goal should be to be slaves to Christ. Obedient in all we do. Followers of his teaching and the expense of everything else. Scripture has taught us how to live and how to respond. The Lord is our master and he has given his input through the Bible. However, is he really our master or do we play the game of faith.

For the ones that are slaves to sin ask yourselves why. Are you a slave to sin because you are holding onto to something that is more important than God in your life? Or are you a slave to sin because God never changed you to begin with? Have you become a follower of Christ and admitted you need a savior? This is the most important question of your life.

As you are walking through these questions know that none of us are perfect. We make mistakes and fall daily. What separates a person from being a slave to sin and slave to the Lord is your daily walk. Not what you say you believe but how your belief is demonstrated by actions. I do not mean you can earn salvation. I do mean that your faith will be tangible and the fruit will look good.

So are you a slave to sin or a slave to the Lord? It will make an eternal difference.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Romans 8-10

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