When God Leads You To A Dead End

Today’s Reading, Exodus 13-15

Focal Scripture: Exodus 13:8 “So he led the people around toward the Red Sea along the road of the wilderness. And the Israelites left the land of Egypt in battle formation.”

Travel plans can always be interesting. It doesn’t matter whether you are going on vacation or a work trip. Making sure you know the correct route to take can lessen the stress of traveling. Some of you may not know this but before cell phones we either had to print out the directions or use an actual map. Those journeys usually ended up with someone saying “You missed your turn.” Then awkward silence after the correct route was established.

In today’s reading we know the Israelites have been set free. They are leaving Egypt but God wants them to go near the Red Sea instead of traveling near the Philistines. God is purposefully leading them to a dead end so he can reveal his power to them and the rest of the world. This dead end will require a miracle for them to be delivered. God lead them to a place where the sea was in front of them and the Egyptians were behind them.

Sometimes God will lead us to dead ends to deepen our faith. Just like the Israelites needed to see God work in a super natural way to give them more faith. We also need to see God work in our lives. Our problem is when God does work we often miss it because we are looking at the problem or situation instead of the savior. We have much to learn about how God works.

Our challenge is to understand that God will lead us into impossible situations. A situation where our faith must grow deeper. Where we are stuck and have no hope other than him in our lives. Right now I am facing a situation where I am in this position. It is an impossible situation. However, I have learned over the last several years that this area of my life I lack trust.

So what does God do? Leads me to a dead end. I have no clue how things will work out but I do know that God will be with me. He will teach me and grow my faith. Even though I don’t like dead ends I am thankful God uses them to build his people.

No matter what is before you and behind you today trust God and watch him demonstrate his faithfulness.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading 16-18

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