A Plea To Stay Comfortable

Today’s Reading, Exodus 4-6

Focal Scripture: Exodus 4:13 “Moses said, “Please, Lord, send someone else.”

We all like being comfortable on a cold day. Getting wrapped up in a blanket and just relaxing is one of the best feelings in the world. Personally, I like to get comfortable by reading books or studies on topics that interest me and challenge me. The problem is that to many of us get comfortable in our lives and when we are pushed to do something out of our comfort zone we never move. We stay wrapped up in our blanket and refuse to move.

In our reading today this is where we find Moses. He is experiencing a visit from God. He has been told that he will lead the people out of Egypt. Moses gives excuse after excuse. Finally, he tells God to send someone else. He doesn’t want to go and lead the people from their captivity. Maybe he was comfortable in Midian. Maybe he was comfortable in being an obscure person. It could have been he lost his nerve. No matter the reason he became desperate to not go and lead the people.

Moses had a desire to stay where he was and be comfortable. What is your desire? Being comfortable is not always a bad place to be in life. Staying comfortable is a death sentence in your personal walk with the Lord and in your daily walk of life. When you get comfortable you stop taking risks. You even stop seeing the big picture.

My challenge for you today is to step out in faith and do what God has asked. Why? Because when we get comfortable with our faith we suffer. Others suffer because we become more concerned with our needs than the needs of others. Let us snap out of our comfortableness and pursue God’s plan for our life.

Being a comfortable Christian should be an oxymoron. We should never be comfortable when people need Jesus in our world. We should never settle when God has called us to do more with our lives. What is that calling, you may ask? It is to follow him wherever he leads even when it is difficult.

Step out in faith today and watch how God moves. If he has called you to it, he has prepared you for the entire journey. It is time we get used to being uncomfortable. It grows us more than any other journey.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Exodus 7-9

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