Some People Will Hate Your Dreams

Today’s Reading, Genesis 35-37

Focal Scripture: Genesis 37:20 “So now, come on, let’s kill him and throw him into one of the pits. We can say that a vicious animal ate him. Then we’ll see what becomes of his dreams!”

Having people not support you or like your dreams is part of life. Having dreams and goals means you are ambitious. It means you are thinking about the future. It means that you’re not just stuck in the moment. The problem becomes even bigger when you verbalize what you want to accomplish. It might happen because you’re aiming for something bigger. Or the problems happen because you remind others that they don’t have goals or aspirations themselves.

In today’s reading we see the aftermath of Joseph telling his dreams to his family. On one hand it probably wasn’t the best thing to tell his brothers and father they would bow down to him. On the other hand it had to be amazing to be able to interpret a dream and explain what God was going to in your life. All that was in his head got to be verbalized. We all know that exciting news is hard to keep to yourself. I am sure Joseph thought his family would be excited for him, instead they hated his message.

So what should we do with this information. First, I encourage you to dream big dreams. Reach to do hard things. Desire to accomplish goals that others are afraid to attempt. Then when you explain your goals see who gets excited for you and who doesn’t. In your life you need people who will cheer you on to success. People who will embrace your desire to do big things. Especially, in how God lays it on your heart to minister to others.

Why is this important? Because believers should have dreams that seem impossible. We should be challenged so much spiritually that we want God to do big things around us. I am not talking about the health, wealth, and prosperity gospel. I am talking about God changing the hearts, minds, and souls of other people. God changing our individual lives also.

I can tell you from personal experience that people will try to talk you out of doing big things. They will tell you it’s not important. Or why do you have to do that? If God has placed a dream I your heart be excited to tell people about it in your life. The ones who cheer you on are your people. The ones who deny your desires are probably jealous of your mindset.

These people can be strangers or even your own family. Joseph’s brothers talked about killing him before they sold him into slavery. Why? Because they hated his dream. They didn’t like what it meant for them personally.

Our goal as believers is to dream and follow Gods plan for our life. In doing so it will ruffle feathers. Be bold in your declaration of God moving in your heart. The haters are going to hate.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Genesis 38-40

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