Today’s Reading, Numbers 8-10
Focal Scripture: Numbers 9:17 “Whenever the cloud was lifted up above the tent, the Israelites would set out; at the place where the cloud stopped, there the Israelites camped.”
Follow the leader was a popular game when I was little. All you did was copy what the leader did up front. When they moved, you moved. If they jumped, you jumped. If they spun around, you spun around. The difference between this game and Simon says is that it doesn’t involve speaking. It involves observation. It involves paying close attention so that the leader does and then making a move.
In today’s reading this is what we see from the nation of Israel. They have been tasked with following the Lord. They looked to the cloud and only moved when it was the proper time. Otherwise they stayed still. When God’s glory went up from the tabernacle it was time to move. The Bible tells us that sometimes it lasted one day. Other times it lasted several days. However, no matter what they were tasked with keeping an eye on God.
The application today is simple, yet extremely difficult. Our goal is to stay focused on the Lord. We are to watch him and wait for him to move, then we respond in our lives. Our problem is that we are impatient. We want to do what we want, when we want to without God’s leadership. Think of how often you have taken action without knowing where God was leading. Yes, in some respects we need to step out in faith. However, that stepping out is because we know what God expects from us as believers.
My challenge for both you and I today is to make sure our eyes are fixed on Jesus. We need to focus on him in such a way that we do not miss anything he says or does. We should watch him so closely that we can see a twitch of his body. By doing this the cares of the world will fall away. By focusing on him our minds will become focused on his mercy and grace.
I hope and pray that the only leader you focus on is Jesus. When he moves we should move. Glory to the Lord!
Tomorrow, I plan on reading Numbers 11-13