Keep the Lord’s Statutes

Today’s Reading, Leviticus 19-21

Focal Scripture: Leviticus 20:22 ““You are to keep all my statutes and all my ordinances, and do them, so that the land where I am bringing you to live will not vomit you out.”

Following the rules can be difficult to do at times. I know personally I am a rule follower when it comes to safety and legal situations. However, I press the rules in almost every other area of my life. I will push the envelope to see how far I can go and stay within the confines of what I am asked to do. The reason; I don’t like being told what to do or how to something. I don’t like feeling controlled by others.

In today’s reading I can almost bet the Israelites had people that felt the same way. I am sure some people followed the rules because they were asked. Others pushed against it as much as they could. The difference with them is God was telling them what to do to make sure they were ceremonially clean and able to worship. God was looking out for their interest not his own.

What would happen if believers today kept the Lord’s statutes? The world would look very different. If believers would love others biblically the culture around us would change. If people openly shared their faith story people would know the depths of how God works in sinners lives. If believers took God’s word serious and memorized it; sin would not rule over us every day.

My challenge for both you and me today is to follow the teaching and statutes of the Lord without question. We need to be quick in obedience. We need to be ready at a moments notice to submit our will to follow him. The world needs more committed followers.

So my question today is this: Are you a fan of Jesus or a follower of Jesus? The evidence comes through with how you listen and obey.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Leviticus 22-23

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