With Whom Do You Align

Today’s Reading, Numbers 23-25

Focal Scripture: Numbers 25:3 “So Israel aligned itself with Baal of Peor, and the Lord’s anger burned against Israel.”

We all pick sides in life. It doesn’t matter if it is politics or sports. Everyone lands on one side of the issue. For instance you either support one side of a political ideology or another. Our current culture makes that very obvious. Every person that I have come across lately has strong opinions on this topic. They are so passionate in either direction they have aligned themselves with a platform whether they realize it or not.

In today’s reading the nation of Israel makes a choice to align themselves with Baal. This happened when they were in the Acacia Grove and the people gave themselves over to the prostitutes of Moab. These same women invited them to worship their gods, make sacrifices to them and even bow and worship these false idols. The nation of Israel aligned themselves with false gods over relationships that never should have happened.

So who do you align with today? I am not talking about your favorite sports team or even politically. I am talking about whom you worship. This story reminds us that the relationships that are built in your life have a profound impact on your worldview. The nation of Israel knew that their God was a wonder working God. However, because they were involved in relationships with evil people it rubbed off on them and they acted the same way. They aligned themselves in mind and heart.

The challenge for us today is to know that we have choices to make with the god we align with. We can choose to worship the little god that leads to destruction. This god is not good biblical. He will destroy the one who worships him. However, the LORD, the God who reigns is worthy of all worship. He heals, redeems, saves, and challenges us to be like him on a daily basis.

I pray that you align yourself with him and not with evil people.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Numbers 26

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