Slaves Of Corruption

Today’s Reading, 2 Peter 1-3

Focal Scripture: 2 Peter 2:19 “They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption, since people are enslaved to whatever defeats them.”

We are all slaves to something in our lives. If you’re a a committed follower of Christ you are a slave of his. This means that whatever he commands, whatever he directs you will do without question. You understand your role and his role. If you’re not a slave of Christ that means something else directs your steps. This other thing is your master.

This is where the reading has us today. Peter is discussing false teachers in the church and just how prevalent they are in that society. He is explaining the tactics that they will use to twist the truth and get people to follow them. They are master manipulators and con artist that destroy lives. They promise freedom but instead offer up themselves with corruption. False teachers were prevalent then and even today.

This is where the truth hits home today. How are you at discerning what’s true teaching and what is false teaching. Sometimes it is very obvious. Other times it is very subtle. False teachers have a mission and that is to get you to follow them and what they think and believe.

The easiest way to see where a persons allegiance lies is to find out who they point to in the pulpit and outside the pulpit. A slave of Christ will always point back to the master. The conversation will be directed towards him and guidance will always be aimed at God. A false teacher however will try to get you to follow them and their thinking.

A subtle way this happens is when someone has to control everything and have things done their way. Obviously there is a difference when you are trying to guide, care and protect but even that line is very narrow. False teachers believe they have the answers they have the last word and they are the authority and not God.

You may be surprised where you find false teachers in your life. Sometimes we only look on the stages of our churches but they might be in the pews and jobs you work at everyday.

So I challenge you to examine your life and see if you are a slave of Christ or a slave of corruption. If you’re not a slave of Christ repent and become one today. If you are a false teacher that points people towards yourself and not Christ, repent and do better today.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading 1 John 1-5

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