Today’s Reading, 1 Samuel 9-12
Focal Scripture: 1 Samuel 10:9 “When Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed his heart, and all the signs came about that day.”
Having heart surgery is a big deal even when they say it’s a normal procedure. Think about the trust we put into doctor’s hands to make sure we get problems fixed with the organ that pushes blood through our bodies. Every beat matters. With technology doctors can do amazing procedures in very minimally evasive ways.
In today’s reading we see something more amazing than what any doctor can do on an operating table. The verse tells us that God changed Saul’s heart. He didn’t fix his heart but changed it to make it something new. When God gets ahold of a person he does transformation work and Saul was no different. He not only received a new heart but also received the spirit. He began to prophecy and people noticed a difference.
That is the takeaway from today’s reading for believers. Has God changed your heart? Are you different than what you once were or are you still the same? This question will determine whether or not you are a believer and a true servant of Christ. This does not mean you are perfect but it does mean your hearts affections are for the Lord.
So my challenge to you today is to ask yourself if you have a different heart. Far too often people claim Christ but they act in ways that demonstrate they never met him. I can think of a few people who I have encountered that are in this category. They make a profession but constantly sin and have no remorse over their actions. They say all the right things but do not desire to repent and acknowledge their struggles. Instead they dig their heels in and blame others. They look the part but do not have a changed heart.
You may be reading this and saying that is very judgmental. You’re not perfect why are you being so harsh. The reason is that we must bring to people’s attention a lifestyle that shows a hard heart. A life style that shows they never met Jesus. This is not mean but loving because they need to know they do not demonstrate a changed heart.
So what about you? Has your heart changed? Or do you just go through the motions? I ask you today to search your heart. Ask those around you and see if they can see a difference. If not Jesus will change your heart if you allow him.
Tomorrow, I plan on reading 1 Samuel 13-14