A Promised Meeting

Today’s Reading, 1 Thessalonians 1-5

Focal Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:17 “Then we who are still alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.”

Have you ever been excited to meet someone? It could be a movie star, athlete or even a friend you haven’t seen in a long time. No matter who it was you were meeting there was excitement. You looked forward to the conversation and probably took a selfie at some point. The reason behind the excitement is that the meeting had significance to you personally. The person mattered for some reason.

This is where we find our reading today. People disagree about the timing of when believers will meet Jesus in the air. However, what is not debatable is that he will come again. we have seen numerous times in scripture that we have a meeting set. Which just don’t know the time of that meeting. Here Paul is encouraging church members by reminding them that they would see Jesus. It is a guarantee. Everyone will meet Jesus at some point.

As a believer this should excite you. I can tell you personally that I can’t meet Jesus fast enough. Whether it be in the air or my time on Earth is over. My longing to see Jesus is on my heart often. I long to worship him in person. To have my faith rewarded. For me the best reward for following Jesus will be the day I get to meet him face to face.

So what about you? Are you excited to meet Jesus? I hope so! For believers this will be the greatest day of our lives. A promised fulfilled. If you’re not excited for this meeting I challenge you to ask yourself why. Really dig deep and examine your hesitation. You may have some valid reasons or questions. However, I encourage you to find the excitement of meeting our Lord. Everything we have endured on Earth will make sense in that moment. Jesus is our reward.

Jesus we long for your return.

Tomorrow I plan on reading 2 Thessalonians 1-3

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