Pleasure In Weakness

Today’s Reading, 2 Corinthians 10-13

Focal Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:10 “So I take pleasure in weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and in difficulties, for the sake of Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

What does it take to be really strong? Some say confidence or even just natural ability. I would argue it takes knowing your weaknesses and embracing them. You see if you know where you are weak you know where you are vulnerable. A wise person will fill in those gaps with people or even trainings to make sure they were getting better. Weakness is the best teacher. The ones who think they have it all together are setting themselves up for failure.

In today’s reading Paul is discussing what it is to be weak. He first explains how he has reason to boast more than anyone else. He learned though that his weakness, insults, hardships, persecuting, and difficulties for the sake of Christ make him strong. Paul knew that when he was weak he had to rely on Jesus for his strength.

I hope you know your weaknesses. Instead of looking at them in a negative way embrace them for what they can teach you personally. But more importantly for what your weakness can teach you spiritually. To often we think we have it all together when in reality nothing can be further from the truth.

For us to grow in spiritual maturity we must take pleasure in our weakness. Why you may ask? Because God wants us to depend on him for all of our needs and desires. The more we struggle the more we depend on God. Our weakness teaches us our need on our creator.

I encourage you to learn this lesson. It shows a level of trust and belief in the scriptures that is often missing. It also sets the example for others that they don’t have to have it all figured out.

Weakness should bring pleasure in our spiritual life.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Galatians 1-3

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