A Powerful Faith

Today’s Reading, Hebrews 11-13

Focal Scripture: Hebrews 11:38 “The world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and on mountains, hiding in caves and holes in the ground.”

What type of faith do you have? I often watch people and look at their faith when it comes to certain situations. In the south I often pay attention to how people speak about football or baseball. Most have a faith in their sports teams that go beyond a normal belief. They are always optimistic and believe the best concerning the outcome of a sports season. They have complete faith their team is the best no matter how bad it gets.

In today’s reading the writer of Hebrews goes into detail about people of faith in Jewish history. He explores how they believed and in what they believed. He makes it clear their faith was big, bold, and powerful. Their faith was so bold he even states that the world was not worthy of them. That statement should shake us to our core. That is a testimony of faith we all should desire to have.

That gets to the crux of the issue today. How would someone define your faith? Would you be characterized as someone who has more faith in a sports team or more faith in the living God of the universe? Our speech truly reveals how our faith plays out on our lives. I have been with men of God who demonstrate faithfulness in all that they do and say. I have been around other men that have more faith and passion about football than the God they claim to love and worship.

The challenge for us today is to set up a legacy of faith for our families and for others. I hope and pray that I am demonstrating for my son what is to have a faith that makes God famous. A faith that says I believe God no matter what. This is what the world is looking for and one of the greatest ways to share our faith with others.

So I pray today to have a faith that’s powerful. I pray that you will have a faith that trusts God in all things. Hopefully, when we die it will be said of us that the world was not worthy of us because of our faith in God.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading James 1-5

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