Don’t be Deceived

Today’s Reading, Matthew 24-25

Focal Scripture: Matthew 24:5 “For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and they will deceive many.”

How do people get deceived? It always amazes me that certain people can follow others or believe something that is clearly untrue. I think of situations like Jim Jones or David Koresh. They convince people that they are prophets and speaking on behalf of God. Then convince people they should do exactly what they are told. Even to the point of death.

In the verses today Jesus is speaking about the end times. He gives many examples and illustrations about what that will look like. He also explains that false prophets will come and say they are speaking in his name. People will try to convince others of what is happening and what the end will look like to others. However, Jesus explains what to expect. He explains the signs to look out for and what will happen when he returns again.

What is the point of all this? It is to be biblically literate. If you are a person of the Bible it will be extremely hard to be deceived. If you trust the scriptures you will have background information to handle the world’s claims. If you know the Bible people’s opinions will be just that.

The challenge today is do you know what the Bible really teaches. Unfortunately, many people who claim to be believers have no clue what the Bible teaches. They are swayed by teachings and opinions that are unbiblical. Teachings that are untrue. Theology becomes corrupt because the source of their knowledge is not grounded in scripture.

It seems overly simple but the solution is to know the Bible. Read it and apply it to your life. Not just the parts you like but the whole Bible. This will keep you from being deceived. Deception still happens today. The only answer is to know the teachings. There is no shortcut.

People need biblical truth. We must show that it matters.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Matthew 26

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