Have Friends in Your Life Who Will Lift You Up

Today’s Reading Exodus 16-18

Focal Scripture: Exodus 17:12 “When Moses’s hands grew heavy, they took a stone and put it under him, andhe sat down on it. Then Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one one one side and one on the other so that his hands remained steady until the sun went down.”

Here we have Moses going through much trouble. First, the Israelites are doing nothing but complain. They are complaining about food and water and constantly say things were better in Egypt. They are wanting to exchange their freedom to go back into slavery. That mindset is very dangerous. It causes many problems when you are looking back on what was and not focusing on where God is sending you.

God in his providence provided bread, meat, and water. Very specific instructions were given on how to eat and when to store the food. The Israelites however, thought they knew better and tried to go against God’s commands. Moses was dealing with a very unruly and ungrateful group of people. They had nothing to do but complain and the complaints they gave were not legitimate.

After dealing with the Israelites frustrations Moses faced a new obstacle, war. Moses sent Joshua and some men to go fight as he was stationed on the hilltop. Whenever Moses had his hands lifted up the Israelites would advance. Whenever his hands fell they would begin to lose. Moses was not able to keep this up on his own. His arms got heavy and tired.

Moses had two observant and faith friends, Aaron and Hur. They got him a rock so he could sit then these two friends helped carry the load. They lifted his arms up when it was to much for him to handle himself. These are true friends not just people who act that way on the surface.

If you have these types of friends I encourage you to reach out to them and thank them for who they are and what they have done in your life. Words of encouragement matter, especially when they are legitimate and from the heart.

If you do not have friends like this pray that the Lord will send you people that will lift you up when life gets heavy. To often we are surrounded by people who don’t really care for us and support us in our lives. They say the right things but it is obvious that the heart is not with them. Feeling alone can be soul crushing whether its in life, work, or even ministry.

Appreciate those people in your life who lift you up. They are a treasure from heaven and will bless your soul. Don’t stress over the people you are around that do not support what you are doing or care about you as an individual. Focus on those who embrace you, love you, and lift you up.

Tomorrow I plan on reading 19-21

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