Causing Good Trouble

Today’s Reading, Acts 24-26

Focal Scripture: Acts 24:5 “For we have found this man to be a plague, an agitator among all the Jews throughout the Roman world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes.”

I have been known in my life to cause a little bit of trouble. I am one who does not go with the norm and I definitely think outside the box. The status quo drives me absolutely insane. People with no vision or poor leadership are difficult to be around because I believe we are not called to be stagnant in our faith or in how we operate.

In today’s reading Paul is being accused as a trouble maker. They call him a plague. An agitator and a ringleader of this sect of believers. Paul has been causing good trouble. However, those who disagreed with him saw him as a problem. They wanted him destroyed. This is often the case when you are pushing people towards knowing Christ. Opposition happens. Especially from the religious.

I want to encourage you today to cause some good trouble. Jesus often did this in the scriptures. He would agitate the religious. Challenge their thinking. The status quo was not the goal. In your Christian walk don’t settle for average or normal. Strive for a deep faith. A faith that makes Jesus famous.

However, knowing you will go down this path. Understand that others will see you as a problem. Especially those who think you should have a Christianity like them. If you challenge the stagnant youbwill get push back. You will also be labeled a plague, agitator and ringleader. When you are, take it as a badge of honor. As long as you are following Christ you are on the right path.

Far too often people have a weak faith. A faith that shows lack of confidence in God. If God has called you to it, he will provide a way.

I challenge you today to stir up some good trouble for the Lord. Be a person who is in opposition to the complacency of church life. Be willing to be isolated for your beliefs. We need more of this in Christianity not less. Just make sure you are following Jesus and not yourself.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Acts 27-28

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