Salvation is for All

Today’s Reading, Acts 9-10

Focal Scripture: Acts 10:35 “but in every nation the person who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.”

Do you have preconceived notions about people or places? I know I used to think one way about Atlanta and the Metro area when I lived in South Ga. I thought people were crazy for living there and city life was for crazy people. However, after living so close to Atlanta and experiencing all it has to offer I have come to love the city. When you look for the positives and realize there is beauty in the chaos it changes how you view life. It changed how I view people. It was no longer those city people and those small town people. They all just became people.

In today’s reading we see the vision given to Cornelius and the vision given to Peter. Cornelius was given a vision to find Peter because he needed to hear a message from him. Peter was given a message that everything God has made is clean and pure. The application of the vision is that salvation is not just for the Jews but for anyone who fears God and does what is right. This was a major culture and theological shift.

How do you need to think more biblically today? Are you stingy with your faith? So you think that certain people don’t deserve or need to hear the truth? You may initially say no but what do your actions say? The way you view change and the way you view people speak volumes of your mindset.

Right now where I live lots of changes are coming. Growth will make the small town life different. Different nationalities will move in and create a culture shift that people are not expecting. This change is inevitable. The challenge comes in from the local community on how they handle this change. Will outsiders be accepted? Will different cultures be welcomed? If not will the gospel be shared?

This change is needed here locally. Instead of believers having to leave town to go to the world now the world is coming to them. Just as Peter needed a refocusing of his theology you may need one also.

I challenge you to view change as a way to further the gospel not alter what makes you comfortable. If you truly believe God is in control then trust his providence. Understand that salvation is for all. Sometimes that requires a shift in how you view life.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Acts 11-12

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