Avoid the Path of the Wicked

Today’s Reading, Proverbs 4-6

Focal Scripture: Proverbs 4:14-15 “Keep off the path of the wicked; don’t proceed on the way of evil ones. Avoid it; don’t travel on it. Turn away from it, and pass it by.”

We all have choices on which path we will take in life. It can be a path of obedience or a path of wickedness. Looking at the world it is clear that many people choose the path wickedness. This should not be a surprise to us as believers.

We are told that by the prophet that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jer 17:9) Here Solomon is warning his son and others do not even get in the path of wickedness. He wants it to be avoided, turned away from and to completely pass it by forever.

So why is this so important? Through our readings so far we have constantly seen people who have religion but miss the mark. They claim to be people of God and her live in open wickedness and sin. These sins caused problems for families and the nation of Israel. This becomes a hard lesson to learn for many.

You may be reading and saying to yourself that you’re not wicked or do bad things. According to our standard that is true. However, we are not judged by our standard. We are judged by God. So I challenge you today to examine yourself for any wickedness. Once you find it repent of it and run away from that path.

We all will stumble and sin. The difference between a genuine believer and one who says it with their mouth is repentance. Let us run dem wickedness and run to God. I promise it’s worth it and will change your life.

Tomorrow I Plan on Reading Proverbs 7-9

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