Disobedience Judged

Today’s Reading, Jeremiah 4-6

Focal Scripture: Jeremiah 6:19 “Listen, earth! I am about to bring disaster on these people, the fruit of their own plotting, for they have paid no attention to my words. They have rejected my instruction.”

Disobedience has consequences. This is something we are told from when we are young. If you disobey it can lead to painful results. Sometimes these results happen quickly. Other times they happen later in life. However, it takes place our disobedience will be judged.

Here in these verses we see that the nation of Israel has been disobedient. They have chosen this for their life. They decided to ignore the word of the Lord and rejected his instruction. This reality has brought God’s righteous wrath and judgement. This is a reality we all need to know.

The application for the believer is powerful. We have the choice to disobey. We might have sudden consequences or we may not get judged until the Great White Throne. Make no mistake that judgement will come. To avoid this righteousness judgement we need to listen to the word of the Lord and not reject his instruction. We need to follow him with all that we have.

We must examine ourselves daily. Are we a people that will obey the Lord? Will we follow his path for our lives? Do we have a heart and mind that submits to his word? This answers will determine how our judgement goes. Make no mistake God knows our hearts and our intentions. He knows our actions.

Let us live a life that honors God and not one that exposes us to his judgement.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Jeremiah 7-9

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