All Authority

Today’s Reading, Matthew 27-28

Focal Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20 “Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Everyone pushes the boundaries of authority. It is more obvious when young children or teenagers engage in this behavior. However, adults regularly push back against authority as well. This push back usually happens because they are fighting against inconsistency from the leader or the leader is not a good leader and in over their heads. This demonstrates that they really don’t have authority but a position.

In the reading today we walk through the trial, crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. When he appears to the disciples he says “All authority has been given to me on heaven and Earth.” Then he explains what he wants the disciples to accomplish. Nobody questioned Jesus statement. Nobody doubted his authority. Not only was it obvious in the power of his words but also in the power of his actions.

We may doubt or question the authority of human leaders. We have no good reason to doubt the authority of Jesus. When he speaks we should listen. When he commands action we should obey. Jesus has All Authority. This should be a sobering thought that gives us all hope and confidence. We know that Jesus is in charge. He will make good choices and he can be trusted. His authority is pure and majestic.

This also means we should obey and surrender to Christ because he has All Authority. We are given many instances in scripture on how we should live and they come directly from Jesus. What I want you to see is that many decisions and choices about life have been made for us by his direction. We just have to submit to his authority.

The challenge for us today is to not fight the authority of Christ. He is a good leader. He is not out to harm us like those we may have experienced in the past. Our job is to submit and listen to the great and good shepherd. The one who rules with mercy and justice. The wise king who has all authority.

Whatever is taking place in your life today submit to Christ authority. It is worth it and is the only way to know true peace.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Mark 1-3

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