Importance of Prayer

Today’s Reading, Matthew 26

Focal Scripture: Matthew 26:44 “After leaving them, he went away again and prayed a third time, saying the same thing once more.”

When life gets difficult what is your go to reaction? Some people like to read. Others watch TV. Many like to go for a walk outside or even hunt or fish. No o matter what it is we all have a way to handle the difficulties of life. This is important and can help us refocus our attention.

In today’s reading we see many stressful events in the life of Jesus. The plot to kill him grows. He is anointed for his death and nobody understands. A friend is going to betray him. Then he goes to pray and asks for support and his friends are not able to pray with him. What does Jesus do? He continually prays. Even when it appears he is all alone physically. Prayer was important. It was his go to in times of stress.

If Jesus prayed constantly and relied on its power to get him through difficult times. How much more should we pray? Jesus had a perfect relationship with the father. He continued in prayer because communication with God is vital for handling problems. Peter, James, and John witnessed this need and example. Even though they failed this night they learned a valuable lesson about prayer. Prayer is powerful and needed in the lives of those who are struggling.

Yes, I said that Jesus was struggling. He knew what was coming his way. He is 100% God and 100% man. In his divinity the plan was made before eternity. In his humanity he knew the cost of bearing the sin of the world. He never wavered. His humanity struggled with the reality of his mission. So what did he do when he needed help? He prayed.

My challenge for you today is to ask yourself where do you turn when life is difficult. If we spent more time praying and less time complaining I believe that we would see major differences in our lives and our churches. Prayer for most people is a transition or time filler. Sometimes even just a quick habit.

Jesus demonstrates passionate, heartfelt prayer. The disciples prayed like that later on in their ministries. Let us learn from them and make prayer important. In our personal lives and even our church setting. Prayer changes who we are in a positive way.

Prayer is important. Let’s put it into practice.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Matthew 27-28

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