Consequences For Disobedience

Today’s Reading, Numbers 18-20

Focal Scripture: Numbers 20:12 “But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust me to demonstrate my holiness in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this assembly into the land I have given them.”

Disobedience brings consequences when serving the Lord. I know we all can have a defiant streak in us, however, when it comes to obeying the Lord we must learn to put that to death. The problem we have in our personal walk with the Lord is that we like to adjust what he says to fit our circumstances. We see this in the garden and we see this here in our focal text.

God tells Moses to speak to the rock and water will come forth. Unfortunately, Moses decided to strike the rock to bring forth water. This may not seem like a big deal but it demonstrates disbelief on Moses and Aaron’s part. They were given a clear directive but decided they needed to change God’s instructions. They did not show trust.

The application for today is very straightforward. In what areas of your life do you demonstrate a lack of trust in God’s word? What instruction has he given you that you have made a decision to alter or change?

I know personally God has told me to do many things. Often I do what I am asked however, sometimes I rebel against God when I lack trust. When I get to the heart of the matter my disobedience is a lack of trust in God. It is a desire to take control and not follow through with his standard in my life.

I challenge you today to ask yourself if you are being disobedient to God in any area of your life. Has he asked you to perform a certain task? Has he commanded that you give something up? Maybe he has asked you to give of your resources to help another person out. No matter what you have been asked to do, just make sure you follow through.

Make no doubt that disobedience will come with consequences. Sine he judged Moses and Aaron he will also judge us for our unbelief. Let us learn from the mistakes of others and be an example of obedience to the ones who watch our lives.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Numbers 21-22

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