Stay Away From Wicked & Rebellious Leaders

Today’s Reading, Numbers 16-17

Focal Scripture: Numbers 16:26 “He warned the community, “Get away now from the tents of these wicked men. Don’t touch anything that belongs to them, or you will be swept away because of all their sins.”

Knowing who to follow can be easy to figure out. At other times it can be difficult because what they say, sounds good. Distinguishing between good leadership and wicked leadership is a skill that must be learned. This is especially true amongst God’s people. Sometimes you can have people rise up with wicked intentions that want power more than humble submission to God. Other times you have humble leaders who desire to please the Lord but don’t have the personality you prefer.

This is what happens in today’s reading. You have a group of men who rebel against Moses leadership. These men were unhappy and thought Moses was a bad leader who needed to be replaced. They accused him of trying to rule over them and taking things from them. However, the truth is that these men had wicked hearts. They wanted power instead of serving the Lord. Their punishment along with others was being swallowed up by an opening in the ground. Then a plague hit the rest that followed them.

The point of today’s reading is that bad leadership will always find a way to the top. They may make good points or have eloquent speech. They may even have a following. The problem is that they are not following the Lord. They are selfish in their leadership. Their character can be seen by others. The problem arises when others do not call out the bad leadership.

The challenge for us as believers is to know that challenges to leadership will come. The hard part is to let the Lord deal with these bad leaders. I have witnessed places allow evil leadership to go unchecked. Leaders who demonstrate unbiblical qualities are allowed to stay in positions of influence. Even when others know that the problems are many it is ignored because calling out sin is difficult.

Thankfully, we know that God will always expose the truth. When he does it often happens in a dramatic way. It may result in judgement and pain but make no doubt God takes leadership serious. He will reward good leaders and punish bad leaders.

As believers our job is to make sure we don’t follow bad leaders. That we expose them for who they are and what they are trying to do to the assembly. When bad leadership is allowed to continue it stains the reputation of the Lord.

Be different and understand that bad leadership that is ignored will bring judgement on them and on you.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Numbers 18-20

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