Some People Want to Go Backwards

Today’s Reading, Numbers 14-15

Focal Scripture: Numbers 14:4 “So they said to one another, “Let’s appoint a leader and go back to Egypt.”

Doing something new can often be a challenge. When new things happen people often rebel because it takes them out of their comfort zone. I have witnessed many times people wanting to go back and be part of a group or team that is familiar to them instead of joining in on the new journey. This really happens when leadership is involved at churches or in a secular job. People will stick with what they know, even if it is bad, instead of stepping out in faith and following new leadership.

In today’s reading we see this play out in a major way. The report came that the land was good but their enemies would defeat them. The people believed the negative report and began to weep. They complained about the new leadership that brought them out of Egypt. Their solution was to appoint a leader that would take them back to what is comfortable. A leader that would take them to what they could predict and not be challenged.

Over my life I have seen this happen in secular settings and church settings. People often want leaders who will help them stay comfortable. Even if that means going backwards. They want to know what to expect even if it means bad things will continue to happen.

This is how this scenario plays out in many places. A business or church knows that they are needing to go down a new path. They know change is inevitable and needs to happen for the church or the businesses. However, instead of making the necessary change and following new leadership they hunker down with leadership that is comfortable. Even if that leadership is bad because they know what to expect. Even if that leadership will take them to a place of slavery.

So what is the lesson today? That people will often choose to stay with bad leadership even when they know it will lead them to slavery. Why? Because people like familiarity.

I challenge you today to do what is needed you don’t stay stagnant or go backwards. Maybe you are part of a church or organization that needs new leadership. Be willing to do what is necessary to grow and not stay in the wilderness. I understand that change is hard but if you’re not willing to change you are not willing to grow.

Are you a person that would rather be comfortable instead of being biblical? If so, you need to ask yourself why. Following biblical leadership is a challenge. Following leadership that leads you back to slavery is lazy.

Be people who want the best from yourself and your leaders.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Numbers 16-17

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