Today’s Reading 1 Kings 6-7
Focal Scripture: 1 Kings 6:1 “Solomon began to build the temple for the Lord in the four hundred eightieth year after the Israelites came out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of his reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, which is the second month.”
God is Holy. For hundreds of years the ark and his presence had a temporary home. It was a good home. It served the purpose intended. It allowed the priest to meet with God. Sacrifices to be made and demonstrate that God was different from the Israelites.
Here Solomon begins to build a temple. This is no ordinary temple. It is full of the best the people have to offer. The qualities of the building material show how they viewed God. The best material, overlayed in gold. The desire was to honor God and show devotion.
I often wonder how we consider giving God our best in worship, our lives and in our buildings. Yes, I know that the church is the people not the building. However, we do gather to worship. We do come together to worship God and give glory to him.
I often wonder when buildings are built today if we are looking to show our ministries off or to have a place where corporate worship is elevated. After all, the purpose of the temple was to demonstrate just how holy and awesome God is to the people.
The temple was a place of worship first. Where we meet should be a place of worship first. This doesn’t matter if it is a new church building, study, or a random building. The intent behind decisions matters.
This will also call into question how one worships. Is Christ the focus from beginning to end? How high a priority is the Word given in every aspect of teaching? Is the music self centered of Christ centered?
My challenge from today’s reading comes from how we view God. Do we see him as truly holy. If we do it will affect everything we do. How we pray, worship, witness, speak to others, serve, treat one another, and take seriously the word.
We can’t understand the holiness of God unless we understand the God of the Bible. That requires depth.
Tomorrow I plan on Reading 1 Kings 8-9